Category: FAQS

  • Can You Squirrel Hunt During Deer Season, and Will It Scare Away the Deer?

    Although squirrel hunting seems to be waning in popularity, it’s still a relatively popular game species and a popular vehicle for introducing kids or new hunters to hunting in general. With more than 25 years of experience as a squirrel hunter, I have seen the best and worst of times when it comes to this…

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  • Is it Legal to Shoot Squirrels with a Pellet Gun or Air Gun?

    For the most part, various species of squirrels are found in nearly every region of the United States. As a species, they have developed a reputation as a backyard pest that raids bird feeders and as a popular small game species for hunters. In my role as the editor of this site, in conjunction with…

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  • What Time do Squirrels Wake Up?

    Squirrels are best known as being early risers who start the day early, but recently, someone asked me what time do squirrels wake up, and I thought it was an interesting question that was worthy of a blog post. To be clear, when I use the term “squirrel,” I’m referring to tree squirrel species like…

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